Nature, purpose, and duration of the research
This app is to support you to remember the past by looking at photos, videos and listening to audio. You can consent to allow us to analyse app usage data, for example the dates and times when you use the app. This will not be linked to any of your personal information (name and email address).
In using this app, we give you the option to consent to the following:
- Use of your name and email address so we can occasionally email you to let you know about app updates and news.
- Recording and analysis of anonymised app usage data and responses to questions.
- Data which has been collected with your consent will be analysed.
The research programme is 3 years in duration.
Procedures, risks, and benefits to the participants
Usage data is gathered anonymously and stored remotely for each user. There is no risk of anyone being personally identified from the usage data. Our researchers will use the data to look at how you use the app and benefit from remembering your past or from supporting someone else to use the app. We may also use the data to improve the app.
Information about confidentiality and handling of data (including any sharing with third parties)
The data is anonymous and will be used only for scientific research carried out by Ulster University. The data will be stored in Ulster University cloud-based secure computing resources and will not be shared with any third parties.
Photos, videos and audio will only be stored locally on your own device (phone/tablet) which will not be available to anyone else but you. In addition, users can backup these media using the iOS or Android backup facilities.
Point of contact for participant questions
Contact us at: info[at]
Withdrawal process
If you no longer wish to have your anonymous usage data recorded or you want to unsubscribe from updates and news, then you can do so in the app settings. If you wish to opt back in again you can also do so at any time within the app settings.